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St Stephen's College Library Library

St Stephen's College has exceptionally fine Library, housed in a separate wing, with more than 90000 books, and a separate archival section which holds records pertaining to the history of the College. Built-up over many decades and in more propitious times when books were cheaper and grants lasted further, the College Library is a resource unmatched by any undergraduate institution in India. Moving with the times, it is now fully automated and air-conditioned. A video section with about 800 disks has been added covering a wide range of topics viz., culture, arts, history, literature etc. To cater to visually handicapped students, the library has a designated audio section, books in Braille, and screen reading software. St. Stephen's College Library has specialized equipment like Jaws-enabled computers and a Zoom-Ex scanner for visually challenged students, who can also borrow MP3 recording equipment from the Library. Student volunteers of the College, Social Service League (SSL) provide regular reading services to visually impaired students in the library.

Contact Information

Country : India

State : Delhi

City : Delhi

Address : St Stephen's College University Enclave, Delhi-110007

ZipCode : 110007

Contact Number : 01127666204

Website :