Kalindi College Library Library
The college has a well-stocked library. The library has a collection of over 86,427 books, 51 magazines/journals and 13 newspapers in English and Hindi languages on different areas of interest for its readers. The library has a web centre and spacious reading room for consultation purposes which provides an atmosphere conducive to study. E-resources facility available through DULS (Delhi University Library System), N-LIST and DELNET (Developing Library Network) are provided for the students and faculty members. The students can access N-LIST and DELNET through remote login access also A competent and friendly library staff guides and counsels the students regarding books and the library facilities. Under the Green initiative, the library procures recycled material in lieu of library waster paper. Facility of E books to Print Disabled student is provided through DU Braille library and two screen reading software i.e. NVDA and Hindi OCR are available in the library
Contact Information
Country : India
State : Delhi
City : New Delhi
Address : Kalindi College, East Patel Nagar
ZipCode : 110008
Contact Number : 01125787604
Website : https://www.kalindicollege.in/library/